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How to write a text that sells

How to write a text that sells

Selling text is content in which the author reveals the product's advantages and explains how it can be used to solve the audience's problem.

The structure and content of the sales text are created for the target audience and the main task of the product. When starting to write a sales text, it is necessary to clearly imagine for whom you are writing it - to know the portrait of the buyer, his problems and needs, desires, and fears. You need to get into the "pain" of the reader. Only then will the selling text become a successful advertisement and work "for you."

We can conclude that the formula of such a text is copywriting + marketing + psychology. However, we will tell you about more factors to consider to write a high-quality and effective sales copy in this article.


Purpose of sales text


Ask yourself three main questions that will determine the purpose of your sales content:

- Why?

Know what you are writing about and why. If you write about a topic you are not knowledgeable about, it is immediately visible and does not inspire confidence in the reader. Therefore, prepare for writing the text - become an expert in this field while preparing the content or ask for help from a specialist.

It is not enough to talk about the product and describe it. The selling text should answer the central questions of the consumer and have solutions and alternatives to eliminate the problem. The main task is to help understand the user's problem and offer a solution with the help of your product.

- For whom?

Determine the target audience - this will help you understand what to write about and in what form and style. Having determined who your consumer is, you can make the most accurate strategy and mark the channels for promoting advertising content. This will make it easier to identify the reader's pain and problem.

Men and women perceive advertising differently: emotions and visual examples are more important to women; men — clear facts and information "on the case."

- Where?

It is important to understand for which resource the article is being written. It can be a company website, a commercial order, an article for the media, or newsletters.


Formulas of selling texts


There is no unique formula for writing sales text. You must try different models to find the most suitable one for your business. There are about 30 formulas in total: in some ways, they are similar, but in some places, they are combined. We will talk about the top five formulas for selling texts.

We remind you that the reader pays special attention to the title and the first paragraph. Whether a person will read the text further depends on them.


The main goal is to form a "want," to convince of the necessity of the product, and to encourage a purchase.

Suitable for texts in catalogs, booklets, product cards, landing pages and newsletters, commercial offers, and other materials.

  • A (attention) — attracting attention;
  • I (interest) — proposal — solving the problem (increasing interest);
  • D (desire) — benefits and advantages that cause desire;
  • A (action) is a call to action.




It can be used for short texts, letters for newsletters, and posts on social networks.

  • O (offer) — an offer (in the title) and the essence (in the lead);
  • D (deadline) — limited terms and quantity;
  • C (call-to-action) is an action here and now, what needs to be done for this.




Soft and unobtrusive formula. It can be used to sell complex products.

  • Q (qualify) — designation of CA: we say for whom the text is intended;
  • U (understand) — you understand the reader's problem; it is close to you (building trust);
  • E (educate) — product growth and problem solving;
  • S (stimulate) — advantages and benefits;
  • T (transition) is a call to action.


1. Benefit above all else.

What exactly will a person get from buying your product? What will solve your problem? The ad copy should explain this.

Exceptions are image advertising. Text for them usually broadcasts other messages. In this case, it aims to create a certain idea about a business, product, or service.

The benefit does not necessarily have to be material.

Analyze what pleasant associations the product evokes and reinforce them in advertising texts.


2. One ad is one adventure.

If it is more, the offer's value will no longer be so bright, and the advertisement will turn into a longread.

Therefore, choose one strong point of your product or business when writing advertising copy and play on it.


3. Play with words.

Imagine, for example, that you are advertising door locks. You can write something pathetic on the banner, like "Your home will always be under reliable protection."

And you can make the text more convincing, for example: "Let's protect what is most important to you."

Such a slogan is perceived differently, isn't it? It seems more personal and makes you think about your "most important" and its safety.

Thus, such a text motivates us to take action more strongly.


4. Advertising text should be short.

As much as possible.

It is ideal if your banner contains no more than seven words - according to Miller's rule, this number of elements is remembered fully.


5. Out of 10 words, about half are remembered, out of 25, four to eight.

Checklist of rules to remember when writing sales texts:

- Talk about the user benefit, not the product.
- YES to logic, NO to “water content”.
- Forget about cliches.
- Consider the presentation of content, and do not forget about humor.
- Highlight strengths and weaknesses.
- Talk about the result, not the process.
- Don't forget about warranties.
- Talk about the present, not the future.


A text that sells is a solution to a customer's problem that you communicate through text. There is no secret to writing the perfect sales text. Practice and only practice! Train, try, experiment, remove the excess, talk about the main thing, and you will definitely succeed.

The author of the article

Dmytro Murga

Dmytro Murga

SMM Director

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