Case study: UNIFLOW

A residential complex located near the Daugava River in Riga, the capital of Latvia


Country: Latvia

Period: 2023

Topic: Real estate

List of services: strategy, naming, branding, website development, rendering, content marketing

About the project

Our client, the UNIFLOW Apartments & Co-living residential complex, is located in Riga near the Daugava River. It consists of three residential buildings and one apartment complex intended for students and guests of the city. The residential complex provides a high quality of life for its residents and offers modern solutions for shared living.


The client ordered strategy development, naming, branding, site development, rendering, and copywriting services from our team.

The project embodies an integrated approach to brand creation from scratch, covering the process from initial concept to final implementation. Each element is interconnected and aimed at forming a complete brand image. Naming, effective branding, copywriting, site development, and visually appealing, photorealistic renderings create a strong and consistent communication message.

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Strategy and competitive analysis

The beginning of our strategy is based on a thorough analysis of the urban infrastructure of Riga. The main directions of development include the construction of the Rail Baltic railway line in Tornjakalns and Agenskalns, connecting both banks of the Daugava. This will improve connectivity, attract investment, and increase the attractiveness of the area.

The creation of a "university city" will turn the district into an international educational center, strengthening its educational reputation and multiculturalism. Infrastructure development and new parks improve living conditions, making the area more attractive for living and investment.


The next step was an inspection of the residential real estate market. We found out that Western Europeans and residents of Scandinavian countries consider Riga and Jurmala as profitable destinations for private investments in real estate, which can provide a stable income at the level of 3.5-4.2% per annum.


For example, on the left bank of the Daugava, the average price per square meter in 2022 was 2,800 euros. This is due to less construction in the past and the planning of more exclusive projects aimed at attracting higher-end buyers. As for Investments in co-living, the objects are also promising for this audience, but the potential benefits for investors must be carefully calculated.

Next, we focused on the analysis of Riga's top developers to form a detailed picture of the competitive environment.


We paid high attention to how these developers present their services to potential clients and investors, as well as how they establish communication and interaction with their audience. This research helped us identify both the strengths and weaknesses of our competitors, which is important for further planning our strategies in the market.


The relevance of our strategy will help the client stand out among competitors in the Riga real estate market and will attract more investors and buyers, offering them a unique and attractive residential project.

Creation of naming

We chose the name UNIFLOW by combining the words "union", "unity", "university" and "flow" to reflect the single, indivisible concept of our project. The residential complex offers a unique combination of private living spaces and shared living areas, complemented by proximity to parks, university campuses, central city streets, and the picturesque banks of the Daugava.


The name not only reinforces the vision of the project but also provides clarity and ease of use thanks to its simplicity and sonority. The use of common English words makes UNIFLOW an excellent choice for a global brand. The addition of the prefix "Apartments & Co-living" clarifies the specifics of the complex, directly indicating its duality.

Logo design

At the base of the logo, we placed a stylized image of the word "UNIFLOW" at the top and complemented it with the phrase "Apartments & Co-living" in a smaller font below. Each letter of the UNIFLOW name is decorated with additional lines passing inside the symbols, enriching the logo design and ensuring ease of recognition.

This design was chosen not only to simplify visual perception but also to emphasize the informal and free atmosphere that prevails in the residential complex. The logo reflects the spirit of youth and energy, which are key aspects of this project. In general, the logo symbolizes the dynamic movement of life in a single flow.

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Choice of brand colors

The logo uses four colors: midnight blue on the background, which symbolizes stability, steel blue represents reliability and innovation, light sea green is associated with nature and growth, and yellow-green adds energy.


It was extremely important for us to create a logo and style that would look harmonious and the same on any product: from writing pens to large flags and banners. It is necessary to brand all products located in sales departments and other places adjacent to the residential complex and related to its presentation.

Realistic 3D rendering

In our rendering, we decided to show the space from three different angles to better convey its atmosphere and functionality. The first perspective is an aerial view, which allows you to view the overall layout of the project, including the location of buildings, infrastructure, and roads, as well as green areas and other landscape elements. This makes it possible to globally assess the scale and organization of space.

The second look focused on exteriors and interiors, where we added images of people so that potential customers could more easily imagine themselves in the proposed space.

The last view is a close-up, which focuses on the architectural details of the building, its design, and its interaction with the environment. This approach reflects the quality of the materials and attention to detail, which is critical for assessing the overall impression of the object.

  • Exterior
  • Interior
  • Apartment layouts
  • The main plan

We create cool brands and websites not only for real estate. Do you want to know more? We are always in touch!


Creation and filling of the website

The website is designed with a clear structure that allows visitors to easily navigate and find all the information they need. The site consists of sections with a detailed description of construction technologies, the main advantages of the project, current news about the construction progress, and an interactive location map. All technical specifications and materials used are easily accessible to users.

The main page presents the main aspects of the project, using attractive visual elements that immediately attract the attention of users.

In the section about the residential complex, we described the location and detailed information about the buildings, as well as construction technologies.

The interactive map allows users to study the location of the project and its proximity to key infrastructure facilities.

We have carefully worked out the planning section, providing access to all the necessary figures. You can familiarize yourself with various planning options using a list or a convenient filter. We've added the ability to download apartment plans in PDF format and view similar options below.

For your convenience, we've added the ability to download apartment plans in PDF format and view similar options below.

We also made sections with terms of purchase and current promotions.

А feedback form.

The mobile version of the website provides high adaptability and ease of viewing from different devices.


For the UNIFLOW website, we developed texts in three languages.

The use of emotional language allows you to paint an image of life in the complex, while a detailed description of the progress of construction, materials, and conditions of purchase provides residents with complete transparency and confidence in their choice. This combination not only informs but also inspires, promising harmony and quality of everyday life in UNIFLOW.

Designing social networks

Social media activity plays an important role for developers and residential complexes, as it significantly increases the interest of potential buyers and investors. For UNIFLOW, we developed the appearance of the pages on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, providing them not only with attractiveness but also with informativeness, which meets the modern requirements of consumers and emphasizes the unity of the brand.

Outdoor advertising

We also paid attention to the design of billboards and city lights. Though online advertising is more popular today, outdoor advertising still plays an important role in the marketing strategy. Promotion through various channels, including external ones, ensures comprehensive and effective audience coverage.

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