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Importance of Content for Website Promotion

Importance of Content for Website Promotion

Content is usually referred to as all information on web pages, various channels in messengers, social networks, etc.

Every Internet user faces content every day: various news, videos on video hosting, articles in blogs, posts on channels, and many other things that we can find on the World Wide Web.

Even now, this article is the content of our blog 🙂

What is unique content, and why is it used

Unique content is material that the user has not previously encountered on any other site. Uniqueness is important for search engines like Google, Bing, etc. Search engines always check the text for coincidences of your texts with the materials of other portals.

Accordingly, it's bad if you do not have a unique text, video, picture, or other material and just copy it from another source without specifying the author. Google has recently attached great importance to unique and high-quality content.

Accordingly, if your site contains non-unique content, there is a huge risk of falling under the filters of search engines and getting pessimization about the whole site in Google results.

Therefore, if we are talking about text content, it is important to check it in such services as copywritely.

These resources evaluate texts according to all SEO requirements, such as uniqueness, the number of characters, spamming, wordiness, etc.

When checking in one of these services, you will be presented with a list of URLs to resources where there are matches. As a result, you can determine further actions with this text, sending it to copywriters for editing or rewriting.

Case study: Unique content and its impact on the Search engines

First of all, I developed relevant TOR for a copywriter to rewrite existing texts on the site

Since our site was a large and popular developer, the texts had to be revised because they were not unique, and after reviewing the semantic core. This problem arose most likely because news portals and large aggregator sites borrowed the most important USPs of residential complexes.

After the copywriter wrote the material, we began to place it and re-index the pages in Google Search Console for quick indexing of our content. We subsequently received a huge increase in organic traffic to the site and an increase in keyword positions in Google search results.

Organic traffic data from Google Analytics

Data from AllPositions service by key queries

Thus, we see how important unique content is for the site and what results can be achieved with the help of high-quality texts, and this all happened before the formation of the link mass of the site. We received the growth of organic traffic, the growth of key query positions, and the growth of visibility in search results in such a short time.

The author of the article

Vyacheslav Krotevich

Vyacheslav Krotevich

SEO specialist

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